An inflection point...
- A moment of dramatic change, especially in the development of a market, industry or business
- A carefully planned execution milestone that mitigates risk and increases value in a business
- When the old strategic picture dissolves giving way to the new
- A point from which to excel…
Your team
- You built a good team
- But it is stuck - it's just not "clicking"
- Might have been stuck for a while.
The InflectionPoint Approach engages the team in a robust dialogue about the enterprise it leads.

Your Challenge…
The challenge for any business leader is to deliver long-term profitable growth while contending with:
- Relationships – team, customers, suppliers, partners
- Risk – ANYTHING that prevents sustainable “business”
The InflectionPoint approach enables your team to set a new direction, break through barriers, and put the business on a high-performance path to long-term profitable growth.
Everything we do is designed to transform a management group into a Leadership Team that has clarity of purpose, everyone on the same page with a clear strategy – all rapidly executing their way towards creating and unlocking tremendous business value.
When it comes together – clients have noted many outcomes as they progressed through various phases of the InflectionPoint approach:
The InflectionPoint Workshop

We emerged from The InflectionPoint Workshop as leaders who are on the same page, with clarity of purpose, energised and motivated, ready to execute a growth strategy

Our company was today, reborn

The Leadership Team tore down the cube farm. They turned my office into a War Room. They are on a roll fixing many longstanding issues…

Our team is achieving more - enjoying the sense of accomplishment and most importantly are excited about the future

The leadership team walked away empowered and energized. We have clarity, we have a way forward, with solid engagement at all levels, including the Board. This was truly strategic planning and change management in one

I have been involved in many strategic planning sessions and reviews over the past 20 years. None have impressed me more than those conducted for us by InflectionPoint. And I have never seen a team engage and move so rapidly with a new strategy in just 60 days!
Working the inflection point

The entire organization has found a new energy. The handed-down strategic plans of the past have been set aside and a newly created, wholly-owned strategic plan is in place. Our communication is tight, we know our critical numbers and we are focused on our individual drivers for success. There’s a new energy here that is almost palpable. It is an exciting time for LEGO Australia

This process has brought order, direction and a clear framework for aggressive strategic and calculated growth with real results

Post the sale, the acquiring international group has successfully integrated the company into the larger entity

We have achieved 150% growth in each of the last two years and trebled in value. We developed a fantastic team, gained much respect in the market place and now compete against companies we would previously not have dared to cross
Formidable Results – inflection points realised

We undertook major expansion into multiple facilities across the country as a direct consequence of the results we achieved through the execution of strategies set using the InflectionPoint approach

The InflectionPoint approach brought clarity to our efforts and gave us the focus required to make the changes necessary to succeed. It took our business unit from losing millions two years ago to being one of the most profitable of our 16 global regions today

We achieved aggressive growth by investing in markets, offerings, acquisitions and even divestment

We expanded abroad to the US and UK…

We have made a quantum leap from a company trying to haphazardly grow to one that is fast growing in a calculated and measured manner. We realised our BHAG a year ahead and exceeded all key targets

The Leap Group invites you to our BHAG dinner
Tremendous value unlocked

We were bought out by a larger listed competitor

We spun out of our incubator! We were bought out by an international listed manufacturing group

We turned a hostile take-over targeting us into a reverse take-over of the other group

Following a thorough review during a hostile takeover bid, we were bought out by a New York based private equity house

We listed on the Australian Stock Exchange!
Making it happen...
We help Leadership Teams scale their businesses by working on four inter-connected areas:
The goal of a business is to realise a return on investment for the long term. Period.
This is contingent on:
- Three key conditions about people, market offerings and workflow being met
- Understanding that cumulative bets are being placed on people, markets and key processes
All the while seeking to ensure customer intimacy, product leadership and operational effectiveness.
We enable Leadership Teams to refine their business model, renew strategy, upgrade operations and engage their people. We help the team implement a One-Page Strategic Plan as a framework to develop and execute strategy for real results, without getting distracted by ‘noise’.
The InflectionPoint approach drives effectiveness with personal accountability in a dynamic strategic process that creates clarity for everyone involved.

Information, data and facts are key to effective decision making.
Businesses seeking to grow need to carefully select key indicators to tell at a glance, whether business is good or not. A common 'truth' in the form of hard information, data and facts has to be established for decision making and to determine further actions required to capitalise on the good and mitigate against the bad...
It is critical to design scorecards and dashboards correctly, especially where supporting processes and systems have to be created or modified to develop such information.
The InflectionPoint approach ensures a custom scorecard to support business decisions at key levels in the organisation.

The key to market effectiveness, reducing the cost of business as well as the time required to transact is to systemise it.
Systemisation done well not only enables the business to reduce its operational costs but also improve its operational effectiveness and the quality of its end product or service.
The InflectionPoint approach starts with a thorough understanding of what the business is about and its strategic orientation followed by a detailed assessment of the underlying business model and its value streams.
Working with the team, key processes and functions are assessed to identify weaknesses and dysfunction, develop specific strategies and improvements to be implemented with a focus on execution to ensure benefits are realised.

ALL organisations face risk.
Risk is universal and it comes in many guises. It is important to identify, understand and evaluate risk particularly in a business context.
Is a risk being faced knowingly or unknowingly? What value is at risk and is there an acceptable risk return?
It is not the risk itself that leaders need to be most concerned about - it is the response to, or the lack of it, that matters most.
The InflectionPoint approach is based on the Control Risk Self Assessment model promoted by numerous professional, regulatory and industry bodies across the world. Clients get to identify and address risks in both a "top-down" and "bottom-up" manner that align with Corporate Governance best practices.